Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Giving and Getting IS NOT Everything

Christmas time is always an interesting time for people. Friends try to spend as little as they can but get the best gifts possible. Children and teens struggle with what to spend on who and try to keep what they've bought a secret. It all gets so crazy. The sales are always amazing. Stores are usually packed. Some people even wait in line for hours at a time to be the first to buy this new video game or gaming system. Is it really worth all the struggle? Is it worth working for all this money and spending it on something that may be used and helpful, but then again it may just be set aside and never looked at again?

I don't think of Christmas as a time of getting. I don't necessarily think of it as a time of giving either. For me, Christmas means a time to catch up with my big cousin on how her new life with her new husband is going. It's a chance to see my grandmother smile as we all sit around the table for a Christmas dinner she slaved over. It's a time where I can sit around with the people I love most, catch up on things, and talk about the future. My family is always so close. We play games, talk, watch movies together, and so much more. I can't even compare a tangible gift to the feeling of seeing everyone that I miss all year long. I don't see the people that love me near enough and it's hard to think that next year I'll see them even less. I already only see my aunt and uncle once a year on Christmas. Even though I get to see my mom's side of the family and my other Grandma a lot, it's not near what I wish. To think that next year I will only be able to see my family on holidays is scary. I'm so close with everyone. The only plus is that I'll have new experiences and stories to share with them. It's hard to live over 2 hours away from family and next year I could be up to 6 hours away from them. Others don't realize how lucky they can be to see their extended family so much.

Christmas for me isn't about the gifts. It isn't about how much I spent on someone or what they gave me in return. Christmas is about seeing my entire family in a span of 3 days. It's about the craziness of traveling around Pittsburgh to make sure we get enough time with each family. It's about being able to share my life and experiences with the people that I love most. I wouldn't trade being with my family for any gift in the world!

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